Detlef Sprinz is a senior scientist with the Research Domain “Transdisciplinary Concepts & Methods” at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany. He is currently at Yale as a Rice Faculty Fellow in the European Studies Council at the MacMillan Center and a Visiting Professor in the Department of Political Science and at the Yale School of the Environment. We talk with Professor Sprinz about the effectiveness of climate clubs.
Professor Sprinz’s areas of research and publications encompass long-term policy, inter/national institutions and the evaluation of their performance, European & international environmental policy (and in particular climate policy), and modeling political decisions. He served as guest editor of the special issue of Global Environmental Politics on “Long-term Environmental Policy” (2009); co-editor of International Relations and Global Climate Change (The MIT Press, 2001); Models, Numbers, and Cases: Methods for Studying International Relations (The University of Michigan Press, 2004); in addition to numerous journal articles. His co-edited book on Global Climate Change in an International Contextwill be published in 2018 by MIT Press.
Learn more about Detlef Sprinz.